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act 10

Fantasy Forest

The night before the tournament, Mikihiko senses the presence of a group of intruders who've broken into the students' lodgings. He sneaks up on them in order to apprehend them with Spirit Magic, only to be spotted by his targets. Even so, with Tatsuya's help, Mikihiko succeeds in neutralizing the intruders. When Tatsuya points out that his spells contain superfluous components, he becomes violently agitated. And he's astonished by Tatsuya's ability to comprehend, with one look, a sequence that had been modified by the Yoshida family over the years. The next day, this incident remains under wraps as the curtain goes up on the Nine Schools Competition.

Opening Theme :

"The Ayano Happiness Theory" / JIN ft. Takumi Yoshida(phatmans after school)
Written and Composed: JIN, Arranged By : Ryosuke Nakanishi, JIN